Japan Hokkaido wood carving Chief couple doll Lucky charm
The prototype is the Ainu god who always grants a wish. The name Nipopo means "small wooden doll" or "small child of a tree". He prayed before hunting and fishing, and hung decorations at the time of harvest to express his gratitude. When cooking the captured animals, it was customary to first serve them in the mouth of Nipopo.
ニポポ人形 酋長夫婦人形
北海道 アイヌ 民芸品
Japan Hokkaido
wood carving
Chief couple doll
Lucky charm
The prototype is the Ainu god who always grants a wish.
The name Nipopo means "small wooden doll" or "small child of a tree".
He prayed before hunting and fishing, and hung decorations at the time of harvest to express his gratitude.
When cooking the captured animals, it was customary to first serve them in the mouth of Nipopo.
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アイヌ木彫り ニポポ夫婦人形 置物
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○中古《北海道 アイヌ 夫婦人形 ニポポ人形 まとめて》置物 オブジェ 木製 木彫り 民芸品 縁起物 インテリア 栓抜き 190-7(木工、竹工芸)|売買されたオークション情報、Yahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!) の商品情報をアーカイブ公開 - オークファン(aucfan.com)
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